Metal Fabrication Services in Utah | Steel Fabricators

Structural Fab

Metal Fabrication and Structural Steel

weMFG is an AISC-certified structural steel fabricator that has served hundreds of customers across the nation. Our sub fabrication and full scope projects have provided steel for companies like Amazon, Brinkmann, Cooper Steel, Walmart and many others. Our projects have combined for over 100M+ sqft of structural steel for commercial warehouse space.

weMFG provides full scope fabrication and erection, along with structural steel packages that include:

Our Latest Projects

Tuscon Commerce Center

Tuscon, AZ

Southern Arizona Logistics Center

Marana AZ

Gulfstream Mesa Hangar

Mesa, AZ

Industries We Commonly Serve

Below is a list of the industries we most commonly serve:

If you have a project requiring our full-scope or sub-fab services, please give us a call at 435-656-9567, or send an email to

Businesses Benefited